Monday, April 20, 2020

Thoughts from a Sick World - Entry 3

The period of isolation continues. Anxieties are still running high, and the news which pops up across the internet is sensationalized and grim.

I can see the green glow of bobbing leaves outside the dining room window as I type this, and I am, for once, thankful for the coming of Spring. The only season I have ever really enjoyed is the Fall, but I guess the renewal which comes with Spring, this year specifically, has finally seeped in and gotten to me. At least nature seems to be doing well, or so it seems.

Humans are terrible. That doesn't really need to be stated, but I needed a transition and to just type that sentence to get it out of me, because it's been bouncing around in my mind, all chrome and shiny, like the wobble text screensaver from Windows XP. We are under assault by a dangerous virus and a tremendous number of people are only thinking about themselves and defying logic, good sense, and science to stupendously live up to and redefine the term, "Sheeple."

We should have seen this response coming, though. For years the anti-intellectual movement has been growing, bolstering itself on a sturdy diet of anecdotal evidence, fallible logic, and the strongly worded sentiments of shallow, mentally deficient talking heads who actively seek out an audience to net them sponsorship dollars so that they can live lavishly in spite of being the exact human equivalent of slimy turds. In short, these people have thoroughly exhausted their rights to expression and influence upon our society as individuals. They should be shut out, dismissed, and fought with tooth and nail and dagger and pistol at every opportunity.

This is the great conflict of this age, this battle between humanity and virus, between science and ignorance. It's not as simple as Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. We are in a fight for our existence against other humans who, consciously or not, are tearing at the foundations of civilization in order to advance utterly stupid and intensely greedy individuals who are as obsessed with power and the high they get from being central to everything which has nothing at all to do with them. The intelligent and logical are at war with the myopic, moronic servants of a gluttonous class of scum.

The glow of the leaves is still visible through the dining room window, and I'm getting lost in it as I try to calm myself. The northern hemisphere might be experiencing Spring right now, but the world of humanity is deteriorating. We're in a fall, and not the natural, charming Fall I enjoy. This is the era of decline, and I'm wondering how to get off of this planet before the bad people win and bring about a Winter which will set us back so far that we'll lose everything of actual value to our existence. If they succeed, most of us will fade away, choking on the noxious waste of their decadence until true humanity, the humanity good people struggle to preserve, disappears entirely from this universe.

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